Jon Etter grew up in the cornfields of Illinois on a farm just outside of the town of Forrest (Population: 1300 and some dogs), where he spent most of his time devouring books in the local library. After high school, he earned a B.A. in English Education from Illinois State University and had the pleasure of taking a creative writing class with David Foster Wallace (he remembers Wallace complaining during one of their three-hour night classes about the tedium of reading through the galley proofs of the new book Wallace had coming out, which turned out to be Infinite Jest). Since then, Jon has earned an M.A. in English Literature from University of Wisconsin—Madison and Speech Certification from Carroll University.
Since 1996, Jon has taught thousands of students as a high school English teacher in Wisconsin public schools, first in Sheboygan and for the past ten years in the Milwaukee metro area. In addition to teaching, he has served as a station manager for WSHS 91.7 FM in Sheboygan, coached forensics, and been a faculty advisor for a number of groups including the Gay-Straight Alliance, Philosophy Club, Film Club, and Dungeons & Dragons Club.
In 1991, Jon won the Vermilion County Writers Guild Contest for high school writers and has largely rested on his laurels ever since. Over the years, he has occasionally managed to get off his behind and get some writing done, including A Dreadful Fairy Book, the first book in his comedy/fantasy series "Those Dreadful Fairy Books" from Amberjack Publishing.
Works by Jon Etter:
Jon Etter grew up in the cornfields of Illinois on a farm just outside of the town of Forrest (Population: 1300 and some dogs), where he spent most of his time devouring books in the local library. After high school, he earned a B.A. in English Education from Illinois State University and had the pleasure of taking a creative writing class with David Foster Wallace (he remembers Wallace complaining during one of their three-hour night classes about the tedium of reading through the galley proofs of the new book Wallace had coming out, which turned out to be Infinite Jest). Since then, Jon has earned an M.A. in English Literature from University of Wisconsin—Madison and Speech Certification from Carroll University.
Since 1996, Jon has taught thousands of students as a high school English teacher in Wisconsin public schools, first in Sheboygan and for the past ten years in the Milwaukee metro area. In addition to teaching, he has served as a station manager for WSHS 91.7 FM in Sheboygan, coached forensics, and been a faculty advisor for a number of groups including the Gay-Straight Alliance, Philosophy Club, Film Club, and Dungeons & Dragons Club.
In 1991, Jon won the Vermilion County Writers Guild Contest for high school writers and has largely rested on his laurels ever since. Over the years, he has occasionally managed to get off his behind and get some writing done, including A Dreadful Fairy Book, the first book in his comedy/fantasy series "Those Dreadful Fairy Books" from Amberjack Publishing.
Works by Jon Etter:
- A Dreadful Fairy Book
- 2019: “A Libation for Hestia” in the upcoming anthology Ghosts on Drugs--A homeless man seeks vengeance for the ghost of his young friend. Listen to the amazing podcast of the story here!
- July 2018: “Galatea’s Lament” and “A Study in Winter” in the July 2018 issue of Scarlet Leaf Review–A poem inspired by the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea and another inspired by the view from my classroom window.
- April 2018: “Window Rattlin'” in the April 2018 edition of Bards and Sages Quarterly--In this tale of rural horror, a father becomes increasingly irritated by his son’s unreasonable fear of the wind rattling at his window, but just how unfounded is that fear?
- October 2017: “Somebody’s Favorite Knight” in the anthology Tales of the Once and Future King--An all-ages Arthurian adventure/comedy in which Sir Kay, foster brother and seneschal of King Arthur, goes out to prove he’s more than just a “kitchen knight.”
- August 2017: “Anderson’s Necessaries” in Uncommon Lands--This trip back to Meadowbrook, the small town featured in “Special Collections,” takes us to Anderson’s Necessaries, the local variety store that always has exactly what everyone in Meadowbrook needs. But what exactly does Earl Anderson, the store’s proprietor, need and how will the store provide?
- August 2017: “Song of Salem” in Entombed in Verse: An Epitaph for Salem--A poem about the oppression and persecution of the women killed during the Salem Witch Trials.
- June 2016: “The Supervillain’s Dentist: A Lament” in issue 3 of Moonglasses Magazine--Life isn’t easy for the dentist responsible for putting poison capsules in the teeth of secret agents.
- March 2016: “Special Collections” and “Oracle at Delphi Street” in The Great Tome of Forgotten Relics and Artifacts, an anthology from Bards & Sages Publishing (also available in print and ebook through Amazon)–It’s Szsaszsaratt, Dread Lord of the Ninth Pit, vs. Eva Burnhardt, small town librarian, in this fantasy/comedy.
- March 2016: “Oracle at Delphi Street” in The London Journal of Fiction–A man receives prophetic advice from the graffiti on the door of a public restroom.
- October 2015: “Beer, Wine, & Spirits” in Odd Tree Quarterly, Fall 2015, reprinted in issue 4 of The Singularity–A man goes on a journey to a low-rent version of the Greek underworld.
- October 2015: “Watching” in Tulip Tree Review, Fall 2015, reprinted in issue 18 of Ginosko Literary Journal–A lonely voyeur tries to reach out to someone he believes to be a kindred spirit.
- October 2015: “Dissecting the Future” in Midnight Circus, Fall 2015–A serial killer receives glimpses of his future in the entrails of his victims. Reprinted March 2017 on Dark Fire Fiction.
- 2006-2007: Skits “I Was a Teenage Necromancer, or Leave It to Satan” “The Mummy’s Curse/Curse of the Mummy,” “We Want Gorilla Theater!”, “The Texas Chainsaw Support Group,” “Star Trek: The Oldest Generation,” “Cereal Killers,” “Employee Appreciation/Insemination Picnic,” “Unlocking the Inner Time-Traveller,” and “Bio-Doomed!” performed by Alamo Basement
- 2006: “Wedding Drinking Game,” “Comic Book Shop Guide,” and “Interview with John Hodgman” in MKE Magazine